Thespian Points
The Thespian points system is used in the Drama class to offer distinction in how far each student has come. Each point is earned by the students in the plays they participate in. The number of points gained from each production is determined by each student's performance and technical position which means that students who are main characters or are the head of a tech department will have higher points earned than students who don't have a speaking role. The points are much like high school credits in that each student should roughly have a set number reached at specific school years. When a student has earned ten Thespian points, that student will be able to be inducted into the Georgia Thespians where they can attend events such as the which is held each February. As students get inducted, they will also have the ability to participate in certain competitions against other students or against other schools. They will also be able to apply for scholarships and grants for college. Upon gaining 25 or more Thespian points, students will have the opportunity and privilege to get a letter for their service. Getting a letter usually signifies years of hard work given to the club or sport that assigns it so this is a high honor at the high school.