Proceedings Overseen by:
President- Natalie Pryce
Vice President- Elizabeth Powell
Media Coordinator- Carson Scott
Secretary- Landon Ennis
September 07, 2021
Started at: 3:00 PM
Thescon payments will be put on My Payment Plus portal soon! There will be multiple ways of paying $125 for all of Thescon.You need to have this paid by October 10th, This will be non-refundable, unless you can find someone to fill your spot. You have to be a registered thespian to go, or you have to have been in at least 2 shows by February (or be casted in at least 2 shows.)
Fruit sale is going to be from Sept. 27 to Oct. 27. We will be selling different types of fruits from a certain company. Keep this in mind, and go ahead and ask parents, family, friends, if they would be interested. This is raising money for the LHS Pitchfork Players.
We are aiming to do a Pitchfork Player Friday Night Live: on October 8th. If you would like to participate in this, please let the officers know! This is going to be a semi-scripted improv show with props, costumes, and laughs! If you love the improv games we do in class, or if you love comedy shows, this might be a good after school activity to do.
Committees will be in charge of the different fundraisers that we come up with
These groups will organize these fundraisers such as: dance, karaoke, and movie nights -
Improv (but Slightly Planned)
- Can work on different games and they can organize skits
-Next Wednesday until 3:45
Finished at: 3:28 PM
September 21, 2021
*** *Note* Please fill out the for today’s meeting***
Started at: 3:00 PM
Freshmen do not have to be a registered Thespian to go to ThesCon in February of 2022. (Please note that you won't be able to perform IE’s/Thespys)
We are currently working on the “Red out” themed video for our Hall Wars!! People in any theater class this semester are involved with this.
- What this means is that this week we will participate in decorating the auditorium with red for this Friday's football theme
- Next week’s theme will be Mardi Gras so we will be decorating for that as well as creating choreography to Mardi Gras/Carnival music -
Dance Committee and Karaoke Committee met to discuss preparation for future events and videos (Insert spontaneous dance numbers and singing ballads)
Finished at: 3:40 PM
October 05, 2021
*** *Note* Please fill out the for today’s meeting***
Started at: 2:50 PM
- Students received info sheets that layout the ThesCon details
-The fundraiser (Indian River Farms [brochures have been passed out and are otherwise available in the auditorium]) that we will be doing helps knock the fee down -
Thursday (October 22) [Almost, Maine and Do Not Go Gentle Starting at 7 PM], Friday [Love/Sick and Do Not Go Gentle starting at 7 PM], (October 23), and Saturday (October 24) [Almost, Maine, Love/Sick, and Do Not Go Gentle Starting at 7 PM] -
A lot that was discussed gave more detail on what was discussed in previous meetings and classes
Finished at: 3: 28 PM
October 05, 2021
Hello, welcome to Chili’s
- Anyone who is interested in coming to ThesCon must get the needed forms and $125 by this Friday, Oct 29, 2021 -
Pitchfork Players Friday Night Live and Committees
-First Friday Night Live will take place in November (rehearsals will be held on Tuesday and Thursday [11/09, 11/11, 11/16, 11/18] and the Improv day this month is Friday, November 19)
Finished at: 3: 30 PM
January 11, 2022
Started at: 3:00 PM
Hello, I’m Natalie. You may know me from things such as: Last Year!
- Fee Deadlines- Miss Williams has the details for each individual club member’s fee amount still due
- Tickets and Shows - Miss Williams has registered all of the participating members for the shows that they will be attending
- ThesCon will be February 3-5 (Remember: to go, all fees must be paid (1st and 2nd $125 [being apart of fundraisers or One-Act competition will help mark your second payment down]) and you cannot have any failing grades) -
- LeadCon was this past Saturday
- ThesCon preparation conference where board members who run GA thespians come to get ideas and come up with final decisions about ThesCon Preparation
- At LeadCon 2 (LeadCon 1 was in August) the Student Theatre Officer (STO) board and school representatives voted on the new STO board for the 2022-2023 school year
A . STO’s are directly responsible for working with the Georgia Board to organize and make decisions for ThesCon. They attend several leadership conferences at Columbus State University (CSU) and they have even made trips to New York City. Students in their sophomore or Junior year (Junior year is preferred, but if you are a sophomore and you are not elected it gives you the opportunity to rerun the following year) are eligible to become an STO after nomination, applying, and getting voted on.
- The Dates for the entire spring semester is now available on the Pitchfork Players Schoology page and on the Pitchfork Players Website!
- Let your jobs know about the calendar so that there are not complications in the future about rehearsals or show dates (GIVE THEM NOTICE, DON’T TELL THEM THE DAY/WEEK OF)
Finished at: 3: 47 PM